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Reddit page promotion manager - publishing content

Reddit Promotion №13693716, 7 февраля 2024
Город: Кишинев
Образование: Не имеет значение
Опыт работы: С опытом
Зарплата: Не указана
График: Свободный график
Место работы: Удалённо
Готовы трудоустроить беженцев
I am looking for an experienced specialist in promoting and driving traffic on the Reddit site (for long-term cooperation)

We need a specialist who knows all the intricacies of the Reddit site. Account promotion and promotion to the TOP, driving the audience to Fan sites

1. Maintain a high-quality Reddit account, promote it to the top, be at the top of subreddits
2. Be a specialist in promoting and driving traffic from Redit to other platforms (have experience)
3. Have an account with good karma + comment karma
4. 30+ posts per day
5. Make high-quality, interesting design for your profile and under each post
6. Drive customers to Fan$ pages
7. Reply to comments
8. It is advisable to have software
From me:
1. Payment upon completion of the work, every week (by agreement, prepayments + coverage of consumables are possible).
2. High-quality content (Any photos, nude videos and more)
3. Communication every day, always in touch
4. Awards
Срок размещения вакансии истёк или кандидат был найден. Смотреть активные вакансии в рубрике Сетевой маркетинг
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